Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Wk4: Prilepin Bench - Lunchtime Workout

Close Grip Bench Press (186p): 45x6, 55x5, 75x5, 85x5, 105x5, 115x5, 135x5, 150x6x3. I didn't want to jump so drastically from 115 to 150, so I threw in a set at 71% 1RM. My first set at 150 was perfect, the second required much more concentration to keep my elbows in, and the third set had 2 or 3 reps where my elbows started to flare. My reps weren't too slow but I didn't set any speed records, either. Using this 6 week program, I would recommend not testing the max until the end. Besides, the later weeks where you are doing the same weights as the first three weeks, you are gaining a certain measure of speed and your CNS gets a reprieve. For this one, I'll keep the same max but may adjust it if necessary.

Hoist Assisted Wide Pullup: Test at 95 lbs (245 lbs of me in jeans and sneakers - 150 lbs of assistance) for 8 reps (Brzycki says 117.954 max), 105 for 5 reps (118.126 max), and 115 for 2 reps ( 118.288 max). Looking ahead to my next cycle and am considering this exercise somewhere.


Unknown said...

Think I might join you in adding some wide pullups to my next cycle. I stopped doing them a while back after hurting my shoulder, and never started them up again.

Alberto said...

It's either that or Nautilus Pullovers. The pullovers really slam my lats but I want to conquer the chinup/pullup. Ah, competing goals . . . .

Christian D. said...

On the shoulder comments. I noticed when I switched to WSB, I haven't had any soreness problems. I haven't been doing as much weight as I used to, but still I think it has to do with how much and how you are working the shoulders. Perhaps previously I was over working them (very possible)