Sunday, June 10, 2012

ME Lower Body/ME Upper Body

I did not want to run today and, with 5 weeks before I go to Hawaii, I wanted to get ahead a bit.  So I woke up early today and did today's workout and tomorrow's.

All Notation: Weight x Reps x Sets

14" Box Squat: started at 95x3 and kept adding 30 pounds each set until I could barely hit the triple at 275 pounds.  Not bad, last  test was 270x2.

Incline Bench Press: started at 6x3 and kept adding 20 pounds each set until I could barely hit the triple at 185 pounds.

Seated Calf Raises: started at 30x3 and kept adding 100 pounds each set until I reached 100x2

Hoist Roc-It Lat Pulldown (Pronated Grip): worked up at 126x6 and 136x4, which both calculate out to a 150-pound max.

Hoist Roc-It Leg Curls: worked up to 215x8.

Nautilus Nitro Pullover: 95x6x5

Back Extension (2-sec hold at the top): 5 sets of 6

Nautilus Nitro Lateral Raises: 105x6x5

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