Monday, May 30, 2011

So What's the Scoop Here?

I have been working out for a few months at a steady clip, but have now just started to log it. So, where do I begin?

On April 23, after almost two months of doing a form of Navy PFT with long aerobics, running intervals, 4 sets of a pullup-type movement/pushups/situps about 5 times a week, I still failed measurement. Oh, I dropped weight and kept the 17-inch neck. But my waist line actually stayed the same?!? I know I should have saw this coming, as this has happened once before. But even with bodyweight stuff, it should have worked.

So even with a left arm that I was nursing, I started to lift weights again while keeping the cardio but incorporating the bodyweight stuff. Sure enough, that started to work. But something else sped things up. I went on vacation in California on May 6 and spent most of that time in Perris with one of my best friends. I tried to keep my running program up but it was walking her dog daily, sometimes for up to two hours (I got lost twice), that got my cardio shape up. Yet after all that and the weights, I still failed the makeup. The neck stayed at 17 inches and the waist dropped 2 inches, but I was an inch short of passing. Bummer. Wish I had done the weights those two months. But despite now being in a situation where I can't fail another PFT, I can't really regret it completely. My run was 2 minutes faster than last PFT (still not stellar, but I will take it) and I now have legs. No soreness the next day.

So last week I lifted with no cardio, to take a break but also to build some muscle. This week I settled on a structure and started the running again. My first goal of getting my inch should not take long, but my main goal aside from getting my strength and muscle up and building up my core strength is to build my run up to where it once was. This will probably take care of the weight loss all on its own.

Workout (All Notation: Weight x Reps x Sets):

Hoist Roc-It Shoulder Press: Worked up to 111x6 and 118x3.
Assisted Pullups (Average Bands): sets of 5, 4, 3, 2 reps
Band Pullaparts (Monster Mini Bands): 4 sets of 3
Incline Bench Press: Repped out at 12 and 9 reps
DB Shrugs: 40x11, 10, 10, 9 reps
DB Curls (Clustered): 9+6, 6+3, 4+3, 3+2

Runners World Beginners Program: 7 intervals of 1 min at 6.7 MPH and 2 min walking at 3.8 MPH, 1.5 incline, 21 minutes of total time.

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