Wednesday, October 05, 2005

To Train A Boy

Band Chinup Day Yesterday. My son did not want to try the first set with one band because he felt like he didn't have it in him for a single, but he did the other 5 sets with two bands. He finally nailed seven reps with an underhand grip, on set 3. I had told him that he was resting in the bottom position too long (the pause at the top was fine) and that it was ok to not get a rep but that he could surprise himself if he tried. Sure enough, he surprised himself.

I got my one rep with one band with an underhand grip, then nailed 4 reps on every set but the last one - - - a one rep increase per those sets. Woo hoo!!!

I then taught my son how to do Bulgarian split squats on the park bench to build his legs, and he found out that they were not as easy as he thought they were (he wants strong legs for "jumps"). We got a late start and with homework and shower still to be done for him, wrapped it up. Ok, I tried something quick. I had him put a band over each shoulder and try to run for three sets of 3 while I held the bands. Of course, he couldn't - - - I kept telling him to dig in and push. Then, I took the bands off and asked him to sprint and he took off much to his surprise.


Unknown said...

Training your son must be a great feeling. Does he know you blog about his workouts?

Alberto said...

I would never tell him, he's self conscious enough as it is. At his age, I had to figure stuff out myself so since his dream is to be an NBA basketball player, I want to help him as much as I can. Sometimes through demonstration (Heck, my chinup is getting better, too) other times showing him where to find knowledge (books, internet, clinics.).