Thursday, December 16, 2010


Cybex ArcTrainer Elliptical: Interval Program, Level 3, 30 minutes. You just don't know how I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what I would do aerobically to start dropping my bodyweight/bodyfat. I've thought of complexes, but I already do a lot of lifting (including deadlifting twice a week), so I was not keen on that. Aerobics in the morning? Nope, too much of a bear in the morning. After yesterday's warmups on this machine, I had my answer. 10 minutes and I realized that I was in pretty sad aerobic shape, and that level 3 on this machine was more challenging than level 3 on a Precor or LifeFitness elliptical trainer. I'll keep the time at 30 minutes but raise the level every week or so. For now, I want to minimize my running for a while.

My other answer came from the physical fitness test manual the Army uses. Actually, a 3-month program printed out in calendar form. Here is the link for both. Today was supposed to be 20-30 minutes slow run, and 3 sets of 30 seconds each for pushups and situps.

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