Thursday, February 17, 2005

Wk4: Prilepin Squat/DL Heavy

I was reminded today why I had ball-busting weeks like last week in the squat. Today was the heaviest week in the Prilepin Program: 90% 1RM for 3 sets of 2:

Front Squat (215): 50x6, 65x4, 85x3, 100x3, 115x3, 135x3, 150x3, 165x3, 195x2x3. Everything was easy. Even the max wasn't so bad, hard but smooth. And I had some left in the tank!

Assisted GHR (90 lbs assist): 4 sets of 9. The first two were easy, the last two I had to squeeze hard and work for.

Seated Calf Raises (110): 55x10, 72.5x10, 77.5x8x2

Hoist Calf Press (110): 55x10, 75x8, 80x6

Back Extensions w/2 kg ball: failure at 12, 10, 9, 8 reps. My endurance is starting to go up in that, which is great.


John said...

Kicking ass with those front squats, Alberto... pretty soon you'll be hitting a bodyweight front squat, wouldn't that be something?

Alberto said...

My next cycle I'll be doing them from a very low box: on those aerobic steps I use, 3 steps a side vice 4 or 5. After that, a cycle with 4 steps. 300 lbs is my goal by July.