Monday, August 22, 2005

A Day of Reckoning

Movement Prep:

Hip Crossover: 6 per side
Scorpion: 6 per side
Calf Stretch: 6 per calf
Hand Walk: 6 trips
Inverted Hamstring: 6 per leg
Forward Lunge/Forearm-to-Instep: 6 per side
Backward Lunge w/Twist: 6 per side
Drop Lunge: 6 per side
Lateral Lunge: 6 per side
Sumo Squat to Stand: 6 per side

My first use of the preliminary core workout from Mark Verstegen's book "Core Performance". I got my ass handed to me by THIS!!! Designed to activate small muscles that are barely/rarely used and to stretch muscles through movement, I was left panting, sweating, and with a lactic acid burn in the core and legs and shoulders. And just think, I had weights to do!?!

Squat Overloads: 345 x 3 (10 second holds)

12" Box Squats (285): 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 205x3, 225x3, 255x2x3. The overloads made the weights seem light. This workout was tough. . . my legs were already toast from the stretches. I notice that without the Manta Ray, my upper back has to work a lot harder to hold up the weight and my lower back is even more involved. Which brings us to . . . .

Romanian Deadlift (300): 225x6, 270x1 . . . . My back had nothing left to give.

I think week one can start Wednesday. I've got some modifications to make. This squat cycle will make a man out of me but if I'm gonna do power cleans on one day, then that squat should probably be a Manta Ray squat. Back work for the 12" squat day should probably be something lighter but effective, like pull throughs. And I might use flat benches instead of Nautilus. If I learned anything today, heavy weights give me confidence.

As for the movement prep, it's a keeper. It could only get better. Maybe, this was a lesson best learned early.


John said...

This "movement prep" stuff sounds interesting. Who would've thought it'd be so tough?
Good idea to include the squat overloads (walkouts?), they'll definitely get you accustomed to heavier weights.

Alberto said...

With overloads, you don't have to walk it out. Just rack it and hold it up. After those, your body will still be anticipating a heavier load and the weights will get easier.

Christian D. said...

Stretching is something I'm trying to get back into. I've noticed myself getting tight, so I've started trying to do this first thing in the morning.

Unknown said...

Alberto, there are some other great 'movement prep' exercises in Eric Cressey's 'Get Your Butt into Gear' articles on T-Nation.