Monday, August 29, 2005

Wk1: Prilepin Bench Heavy-Lunchtime

Flat Bench Press (220): 225x3x10 seconds each (Overloads), 105x3, 120x3, 135x3, 155x3, 170x3, 195x2x3. Pretty good, been out of practice . . . heh! Heh! On the last two sets, the last rep did not go as fast as the first but it went. I switched this to the heavy movement since, aside from the close grip bench presses, I have two other tricep movements being done with a heavy rapid wave.


Alberto said...

That's just for starters, Stinn. Weeks 5 and 6 I'll be overloading with 120% 1RM which will be about 265. Right now, I can't do that much for 10 seconds is his dad. After overloads, the other reps become easier since my body thinks it's about to lift the overloaded weight. The guidelines aren't mine; I grabbed them from a peaking cycle by Fred Hatfield.

BTW, how different are rack, Stinn?lockouts,

Alberto said...

As a beginning bencher, I'm more interested in full range movements. That's why you see push presses, extensions, power cleans, dips, close grip benches, and a lot of back work. Later on, I'll do more lockout work. I want to master these things first, and work below the sticking point. Right now, that point is 2-3 inches off the chest, not the lockout. For me, that means stronger triceps, a stronger back, and explosive movements. It also means heavy weight; my last two Prilepin cycles (55-69%, and 63-80%)were just to get me conditioned for this, the heavier weight will be what makes me. You may also notice that a lot of the movements are drawn from Charles Poliquin's structural balance article, since these are weaknesses I want to bring up. I'm trying to build around a projected 225 close grip bench (with my carry over, that is a 240 FBP), about the only goal from that article I won't make in two months time is a 103 lbs preacher curl.

Alberto said...

Doing the big movement for lunch helps for later. As soon as I notice a lag in recovery, however,away the overloads go.

Do the overloads help you? Also, what helped you with the bottom part of your benches?