Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wk4: Prilepin Squat/DL Day 1

Arched Back Good Mornings: tested very gradually up to a 240 single. When my squat was 290, I had a 255 good morning and this was right in line. These felt really good.

Squats: 130x4, 150x3, 175x3, 195x3, 215x3, 245x2x3. My form was really good on these, as was my depth. I was originally gonna do leg presses but decided that I should work on my problem . . . squats themselves. I even tried to do trap bar deads off a 3" block a la Westside for Skinny Bastards but it felt too small (or my ass is too big). So, squats it is. My lower back didn't do too bad and maybe it was the conditioning.

Cybex Leg Curls: 125x6, 150x1, 135x6, 160x1, 100x15. Hard, I think because of the arched back GMs.

Seated Rows: 120x6, 140x1, 130x6, 150x1, 100x15. Easier than last time, but it's always that 15 rep set that buries me.

No time for abs due to all the testing. But it was a good session. I'll have my squats even better than last time.


John said...

That's the way to do it, Alberto... if you want to squat more then you'll have to squat more. I'm trying to stick to twice a week squatting myself, regular (as a core exercise) and high-bar (as accessory).

Alberto said...

That should work!!!