Monday, October 31, 2005

Wk6: ME Bench

Trick or treat, ya'll!

I got off early today just because we no longer have desks or computers in the office - - - the contractors started taking everything apart today. I just have a phone. Tomorrow is my last day at the old building. So, this workout went at a leisurely pace.

Incline Bench Press: 90x6, 105x5, 120x4, 135x3, 155x2, 165x6,195x1, 175x6, 205x1, 115x10+5 (Thanks to Christian D. for the rest pause notation). The sets of 6 at 165 and 175 I have never done before, so they were very tough after the 3rd rep. I was smart to make my top set 205 for this week. 205 might be easy cold, but after the other sets I had to pour it on.

90 degree External Rotations: 8x10, 12x10, 15x8, 20x8, 20x4. I hit my goal under the Structural Balance template with the 20 lbs for 8 reps. These were supersetted with band pull aparts, arm rotations, and shoulder stretches.

Dumbbell Push Press: 60x5x3, 60x4, 60x3. My goal was 57 lbs for 5x5 but, well, you know . . . . I'm gonna switch over to the Nautilus Shoulder Press for the last two weeks, especially since my triceps pressing will be more intense.

T-Bar Rows: 127.5x3x10.

Hoist Assisted Dips: 208x6, 245x1, 220x6, 257x1, 147x11+4. This just handed my ass to me, especially after the rest of the workout.

Some changes. I switched back exercise days, will switch one shoulder exercise, will increase the intensity on the dips and close grip benches, and may switch to band chinups vice wide pullups for the duration. Maybe' I'll hit on something, however small.


Alberto said...

I should have indicated the rest period, too.

If you see something like 130x10+5 with 10 second rest pause, that means 10 reps were done first, followed by 10 seconds rest, then 5 more reps. I'll fix that.

Christian D. said...

I love those days where you can just take your time working out. I don't like to spend a ton of time in the gym, but I really enjoy my Saturdays in the gym that way I can go at my own pace and don't have to worry about getting back to work or back home.

Good workout.