Tuesday, July 18, 2006

ME Squat

So, why not DE Bench? The answer is that I decided that my last workout before the contest will be DE Bench, so I just scheduled all my workouts backwards from there.

Sumo Deadlift: 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5. Not much speed, but really good form. I think while I'm gone I'll do those for speed day, too, instead of squats. The sumo has played second-fiddle to my conventional DL for way too long.
Blast Strap Pushups: 5 sets of 3, 1 set of 4. Ok, how do I go from being able to do 56 pushups tops to this?!? The handles were very close to the floor. I had to bust ass to keep my arms from wanting to spread out, and I was very shaky. The set of 4 was a case of me contracting my back harder and tucking a little better, but that only improved things by one rep. My stabilizers, evidently, need work.

GHR: 5 sets of 2. I'm not Kris:) The last two sets were done with a pair of monster minis. I'll get there.

Light Band Pullthroughs: 4 sets of 10

Situps: 4 sets of 50

Single Leg Calf Raises: 5 sets of 5. Humbled again, these are hard for me, too.

I lay exposed;(

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