Friday, March 09, 2007

TBT Week 1 Workout 3

This workout was done as two giant sets, with 2 minutes rest after each one. Arched back good mornings was to be the next to last exercise, but high rep deadlifts killed that idea fast. I was going to do the chinups to 15 reps using rest pause but after 8 reps (and the deadlifts), I had no pull left.

Conventional DL: 195x15x2
Assisted Dips (Purple Band): BWTx15x2
Assisted GHR (Purple+Monster Mini Bands):BWTx15x2
Static Lunge: BWTx15x2
Assisted Chinups (Green Bands): BWTx8x2
Incline Curls: 15x15x2


Christian D. said...

"no more pull..." I know exactly what you mean. I did DL's and chin's and then tried to do some seated rows...wasn't very pretty but I made it through!

Alberto said...

For me, that's a sign that I'm pulling correct. If my arms are fresh and my back is shot, then it's all good:)