Monday, May 23, 2005

Wk2: Prilepin Back-Light

Hoist Neutral Grip Chinups (155: Bodyweight today 241.3 lbs): 141.3x3x2, 146.3x2x2, 166.3x2N (N is a negative). My back was pretty much annihilated after this, and I had a lactic acid burn in my forearms to boot. When doing the negative, I'm not only holding my arms in position, I'm also holding the lats contracted position.

10" Incline Close Grip Pushup: Failure at 6, 5, 5, 4, and 4 reps.

Ultra Wide Sumo Deadlifts (295): 115x6 (Essentially, a lower ultra sumo), 135x6, 165x6, 185x6, 220x6x2, 220x5. My backside was gone, couldn't lock out the sixth rep. Got so mad that after 10 seconds, I reattempted the sixth rep: weight came up about two inches then fell back to earth. Funny, my back was real tired from all the driving this weekend and sleeping on a real shitty hotel bed but it was my hams and glutes that failed me. Oh well, probably for the exact same reasons.

Dumbbell Presses (50): 25x10, 30x8, 30x10, 35x6.

Barbell Curls (80): 40x10, 50x8, 50x10 (rest paused the last 4 reps, I knew the chinups would spell doom for this), 60x3x2 (Griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!!!)

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