Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wk3: Add 50-Lats

Spent my weekend battling bad allergies, thus the break. Still getting over it but I was good enough for a workout. This was my lunchtime workout.

Hoist Neutral Grip Chins (155: Bodyweight Today 238.7): 128.7x6, 131.2x5x2, 141.2x5x1. The last set was a rep out set. Since I exceeded 4 reps, the 1RM moves up 5 lbs, per the program.

10" Incline Pushups: 12, 9, 7, 6. Got more on the first set this time, same everywhere else.

Barbell Curls (80): Two Descending sets.
a.) 90x1 (new 1RM!!!), 80x1, 70x2, 60x2, 50x3, 40x4, 30x3, 20x3
b.) 80x1, 70x1, 60x2, 50x2, 40x2, 30x2, 20x2

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