Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Wk 2: Prilepin Squat/DL - Light

Arched Back Good Mornings (255): 55x6, 75x4, 105x3, 125x3, 145x3, 165x3, 185x3, 205x3x5. It felt great. Maybe playing more basketball has made me limber because I was able to push my butt back farther and still get the required depth. My hams got worked really good.

Front Squats (215): 105x10, 145x8, 165x4, 165x3, 165x3. Maybe the arched back GMs worked TOO WELL. Or I didn't do the GMs or front squats for lunch like I usually do. I had to strain to get the second set, and the last two sets was such a struggle I had to split the sets. I had no launching power at the bottom, so it was partly the GMs fault.

Standing Calf Raises (110): 55x10, 75x8, 85x6x2
Seated Calf Raises (110): 55x10, 75x8, 80x6x2

Assisted GHR (90 lbs assist): 8 reps x 2, 7 reps, 6 reps. Kind of a test for me. The fact that I got it after all the other leg work is my go ahead to do 4 sets of 8 next week.

High Intensity Interval Training: 2 sets (30 sec sprint at 9.0 MPH, 30 sec jog at 6.0 MPH). This killed me! Am trying to get leaner so I thought I would start this 3 times a week.

This was yesterday's workout. Next week, I'll remember to do the squats for lunch!!!

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