Tuesday, April 05, 2005

WK3: Prilepin Bench/Back

Stairmaster Elliptical: 45 minutes, Fat Burning profile.

Went to the gym that had the Hoist Assisted Chinup/Dip Station. Did both Neutral Grip Chinups and Wide Grip Pullups, repped to failure on each at 160, 150, 140, 130, and 120 lbs of assistance. Just felt like going gonzo today. Then I headed to the other gym.

Hammer Strength IsoLateral Row (115 per arm): 25x4, 35x4, 45x4, 55x4, 60x4x6

Hammer Strength IsoLateral Wide Bench (115 per arm): 25x4, 35x4, 45x4, 55x4, 65x4, 75x4x5

Hammer Strength IsoLateral Front Pulldown: 25x4, 35x4, 45x4, 55x4, 65x4, 75x4x5

10" Incline Pushups: 4 sets to failure.

Seated Laterals (17): 8x12x3, 10x10

Barbell Curls: 35x15, 40x12x2, 45x10.

Trap Bar Shrugs (194): 94x12, 104x12x2, 114x10

Running Intervals: 3 sets of 9 minutes walking/1 minute running.

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