Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What It's Like

Flat Bench Press: the numbers on here were based on a 215 max, I just projected a max based on NSCA formula for 185x5 . I've been handling weights for a while now in the 63-80% 1Rm range that even though the numbers point to one thing, I was curious how I would handle a heavy workout. I also wanted a feel for what 225 would feel like. I will not add a heavy day to what I already do because I want to see the merits of my existing program.

Overloaded with 225: held it for 10 seconds, lowered it under control, tensed my lats hard at the bottom and pushed it about two inches before it stalled. Form was good and tight (the close grip work is paying off), not enough power. Then came the workout: 50x6, 65x3, 85x3, 105x3, 120x3, 135x3, 155x3, 170x3, 190x2x3 (about 89% of 215). The weight felt great, and the 190 was controlled and in good form. Rep 6 was a little more strain than the others. I was happy with my performance considering that before this cycle began, 190 was barely good for a rep and now 6 is good. I've done 225 off of a 3 board in January when my bench max wasn't as high as it is now so I just have to get the weight up another 2-3" to have a shot at 225. The overloads have made the weight seem more familiar.


John said...

Nice benching, Alberto. Ted Arcidi was a big fan of overloads, or "heavy supports" as he called them.
Stalling just off the chest at 225 shows that you've got the most common of all sticking points. I'll bet you could lockout 225 for reps though...

Anonymous said...

sounds good... 225 must literally be just around the corner for you.

my sticking point is off the chest also...

Alberto said...

Guess that means more triceps, eh? Like I mentioned, I could 3 board 225, I just have to get it to that point quickly.

Christian D. said...

Yeah I'm thinking you can do 225 right now as it is. Just get out there and do it!! :) And take some video as well. I'm still a little behind you so, I'm hoping that at the end of this 3 weeks I'm a little closer to where I should be.

Alberto said...

Trust me, Christian, I can't do 225 right now. That overload was done first while I was fresh (and so the other weights could feel lighter)and form is a big thing with me. Once I got those two inches, the bar was going nowhere no matter how hard I was pushing. But I'm not discouraged, I had to know.

Try the overloads, Christian, they're worth it. Use them judiciously.

Christian D. said...

If I get a workout partner, which I might have, I may try this and see how they go.

Guy from work is supposed to workout with me tomorrow. We'll see how he's liking the WSB after rep day. *evil laugh*