My son had a game at 5:45 yesterday, which means he has to be there for warmups 15-20 minutes prior. So I had to scrub my run at lunch (will do it today or tomorrow) and split my workout up.
Hammer MTS Front Pulldown: 45x5, 55x5, 65x5, 75x6x3
Legs Up Pause Bench: 115x3, 135x3, 165x3x9, 165x2. My first 6 sets were steady. The next 3 were harder, and I could not power the last rep out of the bottom and it just stayed there. Now, here is my spotter complaint. I had to put the bar on the last J-hook, turn my head to the side, and slide out. Standing behind me were two guys just jabbering away. Now, if this were you and you saw what was happening, wouldn't you run to the guy and take the bar off of his hands?!? Jeez!!!
Hammer MTS High Row: 60x6x4.
DB Shoulder Press: 45x3x10.
Barbell Curls: tested up to 80 Lbs 1RM.
One word for those people standing behind you: dumbass! Glad to hear you were able to escape other wise.
Thanks, guys. I would say paybacks are hell, but I couldn't do that . . . . ok, maybe a second or two on the neck, just to send a message:)
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