Hoist Neutral Grip Chin (160: Bodyweight 238.2): 148.2x5x2, 158.2x3x2, 158.2x5x1. Now moving on up to a 165 max.
As I bench maxed Tuesday, no pushups today.
Ultra Wide Sumo DL (315): 135x5, 145x5, 175x5, 205x5, 220x5x4. Easy, for a change.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press (60): 30x10, 40x8, 45x6x2
Barbell Curls (90): 50x10, 60x8, 70x5x2, 30x21s
how have you found doing sumo deadlifts for the past weeks?
solid work on the chins.
In and of itself, it is easier - - - 225 was a smoke show for every set, and I didn't feel as wiped out afterwards. That, and my hams all the way up to my glutes are rock hard - - - great for deep squats and the missus!!! I also have more of an idea now of how hard to turn on the hips to DL. . . . with the ultra wides, leg drive won't help much.
Now, when I test the DL, if my poundage goes up and my launch is faster and my lockout stronger and I'm still fresh as a daisy, then the program did it's job.
You're really making progress on the dumbbell shoulder presses, good job! Nice pulling work too.
Nice work. Are you still trying to get the weight down or not concerned with it at this point?
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