Friday, July 29, 2005

Wk7 Deload: Prilepin Squat/DL


12" Front Box Squats (265): 60x2, 80x2, 100x2, 125x2, 130x2x12.

24" Step Ups: 4 sets of 12 (each leg)

GHR w/70 lbs of assist: Failure at 7, 7,6,6 reps.

Straight Leg Pull Through (115): 60x10, 70x8, 80x8, 70x10.

Ab Circuit for 2 set

Spent 6 hours today in the hot sun doing a lot of lawn and garden work with my wife. We are both bushed, brown, and very thirsty. So there was my GPP work for the weekend:)


Unknown said...

You might want to check the date on this post - unless that's your planned workout for August 30 :)

Nice work. What's happening in the garden - anything exciting?

Alberto said...

Oooops!!! Thanks, Scott.

Rototill the lawn I don't want (except the front), lift the bags of soil and bark for my wife (who does the bushes and flowerbeds), kill/pull weeds, nothing exotic.