Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sled Day 1

Life Fitness Elliptical Trainer, Level 5 Hill: 4 minute warmup (Hey, I walked to the gym and back, that's enough warmup, too), then 6 intervals of 80 seconds fast and 80 seconds slower.

Evening: Sled Dragging

Forward Dragging (harness on waist): 2 laps around the court, 45 lbs plate

Backward Dragging(harness on waist): 2 laps around the court, 45 lbs plate

Tabata Pushups: According to Dan John's article on T-nation, do the most reps you can in 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat seven times. I did 15 the first set, 8, the next, then 6, 3, 2, and 1. Oh, did it get my heart rate up - - - I'm really out of shape.

Ankle dragging, sled only: one lap forward, one backward.

Sled Face Pulls: 1 lap around the court, 45 lbs plate

Sled Rear Laterals: 1 lap around the court, 45 lbs plate

Tabata BWT Band Squats: 11, 10, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1.

Forward Sled dragging, handle between the legs: 1 lap around the court, 45 lbs plate

Backward Sled Pulls: 2 laps around the court, 45 lbs plate.

Sled Woodchoppers: 1 lap around the court, 45 lbs plate, for my right and left side.

Tabata Situps: 15, 8, 4, 3, 1. So, now I know that pushups and situps are my nemesis. Took about 30 minutes for everything, and it felt really good. Worked up a good sweat.


Christian D. said...

Lots of sled work there alberto. Nice job. Has the weight/fat started coming off with all this cardio you are doing? I think after the super bowl weekend I am going to put in a serious effort to cut. I'm packing to much fat around and it's bothering me. I just have to go for it and do it.

Alberto said...

I'm not looking at the scale until the end of the month. But I'm noticing the effects of an elevated metabolism: hungry 2 hours after a meal, lighter feeling belly, better sleep, more energy, better and deeper breathing. I'm gonna start using Chad Waterbury's 10x3 loading for fat loss on some movements and see how it helps, too. I'm trying to make substitutions more than radical changes.

Gords said...

I'll have to try those Tabata sets, that sounds fun.

Alberto said...

I don't want to look like a Bod model but it would be healthier for me to even be 20-30 lbs lighter but with a lot of strength. I want to be able to outrun and train my next kid!!!

And Chris D, I'm unable to post comments on your blog. I clicked to do so but nothing came up.

Christian D. said...

hummm...sounds like a lot of us are going to be going into a loss mode. That's good.

Alberto, not sure what the deal is on the commenting. Anyone else having problems? I'll go and do a test run to make sure it's working.

Christian D. said...


Problem should be fixed with the commenting. I was messing around with the templates the other day and missed something..WHoops!