Saturday, March 04, 2006

When You Can't Quarantine the Family . . . .

My wife had bronchitis and a minor sinus infection the last weekend so when my body felt like it was merely going through the motions on Monday's workout, I knew I was getting sick, too. Now, I'm trying to keep my distance from my wife and son so the cycle doesn't continue. Missed two days of work. Am not working out this weekend so I'll at least I'll be 75% for Monday's workout. Sinus medication has me anxious and edgy.

Got measured today and I was 2 lbs lighter (236 with clothes on). My waist was still 40 inches and my neck shrank half an inch. Not what I wanted, but I'll adjust accordingly. I slacked off and diet, sledding, and drills. Back to the grind.

1 comment:

Alberto said...

Love hurts, Jon!!!