Monday, May 28, 2007

EFS Beginners Program: Week 6 DE Bench

DE Bench: 75x3, 95x3, 115x3, 135x3x8, 155x1, 180x1, 205x1.

Rack Lockouts (4" range of motion): 205x3, 245x3, 255x3. That last set was a grinder, maybe I should have just stayed at 245.

DB Incline Bench Press: 60x10x5.

Hammer ISO Rows: 90x10x5

Band Pushdowns (Purple): 5 sets of 12

DB Curls: 30x10x5. First two sets were ten consecutive. The others were rest paused.


Christian D. said...

You'll get used to those rack lockouts, but don't jump to much!

On the DE stuff are you adding the 2 higher weight reps or is that part of the program?

Alberto said...

It's part of the program for that particular week: 1x1@70%, 1x1@80%, 1x1@90%.

As for the rack lockouts, my shoulders are starting to recover from a bout of soreness. I had spent that weekend sick, felt weak that morning, just should have not been so bold. To be honest, I prefer boards: with the lockouts, it's tough to recreate your bench groove.

I've got a question for you, Chris. How is the bottom part of your bench, and what are you doing to work it?

Christian D. said...

Nothing specific for the lower portion of the bench at this point. Just regular benching. We'll see if that's an issue shortly! Next week I'll be testing. So far it hasn't been. Today I'm doing 210, so we'll see.