Monday, March 28, 2005

If Your Ass is There, The mind has no choice!!!

I arrived at Naval Station Norfolk, VA yesterday and felt so jet lagged today that every plan to work out was met with a good excuse to get some sleep. Including the ever popular and usually effective "take a two hour nap first!" But I dragged myself kicking and screaming to the big gym with the indoor track (Q80), and proceeded to test on a few of the machines I would be using:

Hammer Strength IsoLateral Row: worked up to 115 lbs per lever arm.

Hammer Strength IsoLateral Front Pulldown: worked up to 115 lbs per lever arm.

Bodymaster Lying Leg Curl: worked up to 6 reps at 145 lbs and a 160 lbs double. Will use 167 lbs 1RM.

Hammer Strength IsoLateral Wide Bench: worked up to 115 lbs per lever arm.

Pull-throughs: worked up to a 120 lbs max.

Took a bath, and hit the sack!!!

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