Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Wk2: Prilepin Squat/DL

Lunchtime: Stairmaster Elliptical, 45 Minutes, Level 4, Hill.

Arched Back Good Mornings (280): 65x4, 85x4, 105x4, 135x4, 155x4, 165x4x5.

Lying Leg Curls (167): 40x4, 50x4, 65x4, 80x4, 95x4, 110x4x5.

Did 4 sets of 2 trips up the stairs, skipped 2 steps each stride.

Standing Calf Raises (125): 45x4x3, 55x4, 65x4, 82.5x4x5

Weighted Ball Crunch (45): 20x15, 25x12x2, 30x10

Lying Leg Thrusts: 4 sets to failure.

Runninig Interval: 3 sets of 9 minutes walking/1 minute running.

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