Monday, April 30, 2012

ME Upper Body

All Notation:  Weight x Reps x Sets

Hoist Roc-It Shoulder Press:  55x5, 80x5, 95x3, 120x3x2

Nautilus Nitro Pullover: 95x5x5

Assisted Chinup (average band): 5 sets of 6

Nautilus Nitro Lateral Raises: 95x5x5

Walked for 30 minutes at Level 15 Hill profile with 20-pound vest on. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Test Day 3: Upper Body

Hoist Compound Leg Press: started at 300x5 and kept adding 100-pound plates until I failed to hit 5 reps, at 800x2

Nautilus Nitro Bench Press: worked up to 165x2

Hoist Assisted Chinup/Dip Machine (Weight is with assistance applied): worked up to 172x2

Nautilus Nitro Pullover: worked up to 110x5

Walked for 30 minutes at Level 14 Random with 20-pound vest on.  This was my workout on April 26.  Next day was 45 minutes walking the Level 14 Hill profile with no added weight.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Test Day 2: Lower Body

Hoist Roc-It Seated Leg Curls: Worked up to 230x3

T-Bar Rows: Worked up to 150x2.  All the squat racks were taken, so no good mornings.  And the leg press I use was taken, too, and would remain so for the rest of the time I was in the gym.  So I did this to bide my time.

Arched Back Good Mornings: worked up to 215x4.

Seated Calf Raises: 70x5x6

Maybe I'll try to do leg presses tomorrow.  Or I will just do shrugs tomorrow and do deadlifts after squats tomorrow.  Not sure why I put up with this, I have a gym at home?!?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Test Day 1

Hoist Roc-It Shoulder Press: worked up to 125x3

Nautilus Nitro Pullovers: worked up to 110x3

Nautilus Nitro Lateral Raises: worked up to 125x3

Assisted Chinups (Average Band):  Did 8 reps on the first set, then dropped two reps and did 4 sets of 6.

Finisher: 6 intervals (1 min on/1 min off) on Jacobs Ladder while wearing a 20-lbs weight vest.  Last time I did these, I was able to do 14 intervals.  Chalk it up to a week off or being sick the past few days or to doing these with the vest, but 20 seconds into the 6th interval my legs were beat

So, a little backblogging here:

On April 12, I did one last long walking session at level 18.  On April 13, I took the whole day off and just had protein drinks with very low carb and a lot of water.  On the 14th, I measured for Navy PRT at 227 pounds (2 pounds lower than last time) but my measurements stayed the same at a 17" neck and a 39" waist (about 23% by Navy standards).  Maybe I did the long slow aerobics too, too long but, who cares, I passed.  The next day, my run went pretty good and here is where the long steaddy stuff and the high intensity stuff payed off: I ran 5 of six laps at a decent pace, and sprinted half of the 6th one to drop a minute off off my time (13:51) for the 1.5 mile. 

Then a took a few days off and got sick on Thursday and spent a beautiful weekend in bed.  And now that I'm in a good place to start, time to get back to work.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Long Walk

LifeFitness Treadmill, Hill profile, Level 16, 3.0 MPH for 45 minutes.  With just a few days until I have to run, I will probably just do long walks.  At this point, I can't get much better but I could get much worse. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ME Squat

14" SSB Box Squat: 90x3, 120x3, 150x3, 180x3, 210x3, 240x3, 270x1 (1RM), 290x0.  With measurement for Navy PRT coming on Saturday and the run on Sunday, I wanted more than enough recovery to focus on aerobics so I decided to do squats today instead of Wednesday.  And I decided to make it a test and eliminate all the other work.  It went as expected: a few weeks ago, I tested a 15" box squat at 275x3 (about 291 calculated max) and a 1-inch drop on the box is worth about 20 pounds, so no shock today.  Funny, with the 270 I got one hard but clean rep, managed to lower it for a second rep but couldn't make my muscles contract anymore to lift it - - - I was literally tapped out.  290 was a no-go for the same reason even after 5 minutes of rest.  No shock there, either, since this was my 4th straight hard weight day.  So the next few days will be all cardio.  Then Monday I will start anew but with a little more rest and some different movements.

Monday, April 09, 2012

RE Bench

Nautilus Nitro Bench Press: 55x5, 75x5, 100x3, 125x6x5

Nautilus Nitro Compound Row: 135x6x5

Nautilus Nitro Lateral Raises: 90x8x5

T-Bar Rows: 115x6x5

Trap Bar Shrugs: 170x6x5

Sunday, April 08, 2012

RE Deadlift (Sort Of)

Conventional Deadlift: started at 135x3 and kept adding 30 pounds until I could barely hit the triple, at around 315x3.  Then, since my original intention this workout was to do 225x6x5 and I had already done 225x3, 255x3, 285x3, and 315x3 then I just did 225x6x3.

Seated Calf Raises: 20x3 the kept adding 10 pounds until I hit 80 for a 4RM, then I did 70x6x3.

Hoist Roc-It Leg Curls: 183x6x6

Cybex Arc Trainer Elliptical, Interval program, Level 5 for 45 minutes.  Navy physical is in a week and I have one more pound to drop.  So since this was a weekend workout, I wanted to pour it on.  Especially for deadlifts.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

ME Bench

Nautilus Nitro Bench Press: started at 30x3 and kept adding 15 pounds until I could barely hit the triple, at around 155x3.

Nautilus Nitro Pullover: 80x6x5

Assisted Wide Neutral Grip Chinup (Light/Monster Mini Bands): 5 sets of 6

Nautilus Nitro lateral Raises: worled up to 105x6 and 120x5

Behind The Back Shrugs: 165x6x5

LifeFitness Treadmill, Hill profile, Level 15, 3.0 MPH for 45 minutes

Friday, April 06, 2012


Running Intervals: 5 intervals of 1.5 minutes at 7.5 MPH and 2 minutes at 3.5 MPH.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

ME Squat

Hoist Compound Leg Press: 320x5, 440x5, 560x3, 690x5x3

Hack Squat Calf Raises: 100x5x6

Arched Back Good Morning: 95x5, 125x5, 165x3, 200x5x3

Hoist Roc-It Leg Curls: 95x5, 125x5,  165x3, 199x5x3

LifeFitness Treadmill, Hill profile, Level 14, 3.0 MPH for 45 minutes

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

RE Bench

Flat Bench Press: started at 65x5 and kept adding 20 pounds until I could no longer hit 5 reps, at about 185x4.  I should have been doing 135x8x4 as originally planned but my curiosity got the better of me.  After Sunday's close grip bench session, I wanted to see if my flat bench had gone up, too.  I'm satisfied.

Nautilus Nitro Compound Row: 125x8x5.  Too many things interrupted me today, and my legs were really tired today.  So I skipped the aerobics.  And since I hammered my shoulders with the benches, I ditched the laterals and just did an extra set of rows for each movement.  Maybe I'll make up for it on a different day.

T-Bar Rows: 100x8x5

Monday, April 02, 2012

RE Deadlift

Conventional Deadlift: 145x5, 175x5, 205x8x5

Seated Calf Raises: 60x8x4

Hoist Roc-It Leg Curls: 167x8x4

Jacobs Ladder: 14 intervals, 1 minute on/1 minute off.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Last 2 Days

Hoist Compound Leg Press: 280x6, 400x5, 520x3, 640x5x3

Hack Squat Calf Raises: 90x5x6.  Supersetted with the leg presses.

Arched Back Good Mornings:  80x5, 115x5, 150x3, 185x5x3

Hoist Roc-It Leg Curls: 80x5, 115x5, 150x3, 185x5x3

Close Grip Bench Press: started at 65x3, and kept adding 30 pounds until I couldn't hit a triple anymore at about 185x2.  Then I did two sets of 5 with 165.

Assisted Wide Neutral Grip Chinup (Light/Monster Mini Bands): 4 sets of 7

Nautilus Nitro Pullovers: 75x8x4

Behind The Back Shrugs: 150x8x4

Finisher: LifeFitness Treadmill, Hill Profile, Level 14 for 45 minutes at 3.0 MPH. Had my heart rate at 140 most of the time, burned 511 calories, and walked 2.25 miles.